White-Labeling with React Native - React Native Expert
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White-Labeling with React Native

React Native White-Labeling for Custom App Solutions

Jul 11, 2024

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White-Labeling with React Native


White-labeling is a process where a product or service produced by one company is rebranded by another company to make it appear as its own. In the context of mobile applications, white labeling allows businesses to customize an app’s appearance and functionality to match their brand without developing an app from scratch. React Native, with its cross-platform capabilities, is an excellent choice for building white-label apps.

In this blog, we’ll explore the steps and best practices for creating white-label apps with React Native.

1. Introduction to White-Labeling

White-labeling involves creating a core product that can be easily customized and rebranded for different clients. This approach is popular in various industries, including fintech, e-commerce, and healthcare, as it reduces development costs and time-to-market while providing a personalized user experience.

2. Why Choose React Native for White-Label Apps?

  • Cross-Platform Development: React Native allows developers to build applications for both iOS and Android using a single codebase, saving time and effort.
  • Flexibility: With React Native, it’s easy to customize components and styles dynamically, making it ideal for white-labeling.
  • Community and Ecosystem: React Native has a large and active community, providing a wealth of libraries, tools, and resources to streamline development.

3. Key Components for White-Labeling

  • Theming: Use a theming system to apply different colors, fonts, and styles based on the brand.
  • Configuration Files: Store brand-specific configurations (like logos, names, and API endpoints) in separate files.
  • Feature Flags: Enable or disable features based on the brand requirements using feature flags.

4. Customizing the App's Appearance

Step 1: Implement Theming

Create a theming system using react-native-paper or any other UI library that supports theming.

import { DefaultTheme, Provider as PaperProvider } from 'react-native-paper';

const themes = {
  brandA: {
    colors: {
      primary: '#3498db',
      accent: '#f1c40f',
  brandB: {
    colors: {
      primary: '#e74c3c',
      accent: '#8e44ad',

const App = ({ brand }) => {
  const theme = themes[brand];
  return (
    <PaperProvider theme={theme}>
      {/* Your app components */}

Step 2: Load Brand-Specific Assets

Store logos and other assets in separate folders for each brand and load them dynamically.

					const logos = {
  brandA: require('./assets/brandA/logo.png'),
  brandB: require('./assets/brandB/logo.png'),

const App = ({ brand }) => {
  const logo = logos[brand];
  return (
    <Image source={logo} style={styles.logo} />

5. Implementing Brand-Specific Features

Use feature flags or configuration files to enable or disable features based on the brand.

					const features = {
  brandA: {
    featureX: true,
    featureY: false,
  brandB: {
    featureX: false,
    featureY: true,

const App = ({ brand }) => {
  const brandFeatures = features[brand];
  return (
      {brandFeatures.featureX && <FeatureX />}
      {brandFeatures.featureY && <FeatureY />}

6. Managing Multiple Brands

To manage multiple brands efficiently, consider using a configuration management library or creating a custom solution that loads brand configurations dynamically based on the build environment or runtime parameters.

7. Testing and Deployment
  1. Testing: Ensure thorough testing for each brand’s configuration to catch any discrepancies in appearance or functionality.
  2. Deployment: Use CI/CD pipelines to automate the build and deployment process for different brands. Tools like Fastlane can help automate the deployment for both iOS and Android.

White-labeling with React Native provides a powerful way to deliver customized, branded applications without the overhead of maintaining multiple codebases. By leveraging theming, dynamic asset loading, and feature flags, you can efficiently manage and deploy multiple branded versions of your app.
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